Sosnowiec, Poland 16.07.1877
(Ober Schlesien/Upper Silesia, damals ein Teil von Russisch-Polen).
Vater : Moritz Margulies
Mutter: Clara Sussman
1869 Anna Margulies
1871 Isidor Margulies
18?? Julius Margulies
18?? Siegmund Margulies
1876 Isabella Margulies
1877 [Selbst]
1869 Hans Margulies
1890 Heinrich Margulies
1919 Heirat in September in Teplitz-Schönau mit
Fritzi Scheuer (1896 - 1972)
1923 Lea Margulies (geb. 10.05.1923; gest. 1970)
1943 Israel 16.02.1943
Nach längeren Kämpfen mit Leberkrebs, starb Emil in Israel.
Dr. Emil Margulies, Co-author of the Bernheim Petition, Dies in Palestine.
Tel Aviv, Feb. 19 (JTA)
Dr. Emil Margulies, prominent Zionist leader from Czechoslovakia and former president of the Jewish Party there, died here last night at the age of 66. He settled in Palestine in 1939.
Dr. Margulies was one of the authors of the historic "Bernheim Petition" which was presented to the League of Nations in 1933 in protest against the introduction of Nazi anti-Jewish laws in Upper Silesia, where legislation was to be regulated by a mixed Polish-German commission under then existing international regulations. The League recognized the validity of the arguments presented in the Bernheim Petition and the Nazis were prevented from applying their anti-Jewish laws in Upper Silesia for several years. JTA Jewish News Archive, February 21, 1943
Unter [Isidors] Einfluss erhob sich Emil Margulies, der einen gleichen Gang in Studien und Berufswahl gemacht hatte, über seinen Hang zu Deutschtum und deutscher Kultur, und nahm gleichfalls die zionistische Arbeit auf[1].
In engerem Kontakte stand Emil mit zwei seiner Brüder: Dem ältesten Isidor und dem jüngeren Heinrich. Diese wurden, ebenso wie Emil, in frühen Jahren von den Eltern in grössere Städte geschickt, wo sie bessere Schulen, als im kleinen Sosnowitz [PL: Sosnowiec], besuchen konnten. [1]
Übersiedlung. Herr JUDr. Emil Margulies verlegt seine Advokatskanzlei von Prag nach Leitmeritz und wünschen Genannten in seinem neuen Domizil recht viel Glück. Jüdische Volkstimme 08.06.1910
Advokat : Dr. Emil Margulies hat seine Tätigkeit in, Leitmeritz wieder aufgenommen .... Teplitz-Schönauer Anzeiger, 7, Dec. 1918Als aktiver Zionist ist Emil viel gereist. Er hat sich aktiv in vielen jüdischen Gruppen und Vereinen beteiligt; Er hielt viele Reden und Vorträge; Er hat viele Artikel für Zeitungen und Zeitschriften geschrieben, und - zwischendurch - arbeitete weiter als Anwalt.
7 Czech Jewish Exiles Stripped of Citizenship
London, Mar. 7 (JTA)
The Nazi authorities in the Czech Protectorate have deprived of citizenship seven leading Jews now abroad on charges of conducting "atrocity propaganda," The Jewish Chronicle reported today. Those named are [...] and Emil Margulies, author of the famous Bernheim petition on Upper Silesia; [...]. JTA Jewish News Archive, March 09, 1941
Margulies, Emil (1877-1943), lawyer and Zionist leader. Born in Sosnowiec, Poland, Margulies became an ardent Zionist as a young man and, after his settlement in Bohemia, had a great share in the development of Zionism there and in the West Austrian district. At the Tenth Zionist Congress (1911), he submitted a new statute for the Zionist Movement. Throughout his life he was a "political" Zionist, and in 1923 he was co-founder of the Radical Zionist Fraction (Democratic Zionists), fighting against the enlargement of the Jewish Agency by non-Zionists. Parallel to his Zionist activities, Margulies was one of the principal founders of the Czechoslovak "Jewish Party", of which he became president for a time. He also actively participated in the work on international minority problems and was a Jewish representative to the Congress of National Minorities. Margulies attained world renown through his action in the Bernheim Petition. In 1939 he settled in Palestine, where, together with some colleagues, he opened an office for legal advice. [2]
Emil Margulies was the ideologist, the propagandist and the leader of the Czechoslavakian Jewish Party[1].
According to Paragraph 147 of the 1922 German-Polish Convention, Germany undertook to protect all minority rights in the region annexed to her. In a letter to the Zionist Executive in London, Margulies proposed that a protest be lodged with the League of Nations at Germany's violation of the said paragraph vis-a-vis Upper Silesia. 'A petition must be organized by Jews throughout the world and the initiative must extend to all Jews everywhere. Geneva expects the initiative to come from the Jews...They must not remain silent and wait for others to act on their behalf. [The petition] must be based on legal evidence - not on 'atrocities' - on the violation of an international agreement in that the Jews of Upper Silesia who are lawyers, hospital doctors, university professors, and government clerks are not permitted to work.' On behalf of Fritz Bernheim, a minor employee in a government warehouse in Gleiwitz who had been fired by the Nazis and subsequently emigrated to Czechoslovakia, Margulies submitted a petition to the League of Nations, since by the terms of the Upper Silesia Convention any citizen whose national rights had been infringed could apply to the League. Margulies attached a hundred applications from Jewish organizations to the Bernheim petition, much to the consternation of von Keller, the German delegate to the League, who claimed that one Bernheim had no right to speak for all the Jews. To support his contention, von Keller submitted letters from assimilated Jewish organizations in Germany who protested the right of any Jewish minority to speak on their behalf. An ad hoc committee of jurists rejected the German objection, and in May 1933, the Bernheim petition was brought before the Council of the League of Nations. In this way at least the rest of the world learned of the civil rights problem of the Jews of Germany.
Weitere Quellen: The Bernheim Petition"
Im Mai 1933 wurde im Namen des Pariser Comite des Delegations Juives beim Völkerbund in Genf die sogenannte Bernheim-Petition eingereicht. Mit ihr wurde die Entrechtung der deutschen Juden durch das nationalsozialistische Deutschland öffentlich angeklagt. Sie bewirkte, dass bis 1937 in Oberschlesien alle antijüdischen Gesetze außer Kraft gesetzt wurden. Diese Klageschrift, ihre Entstehungsgeschichte und ihre aus heutiger Sicht erstaunlichen Folgen sind weitgehend vergessen, ebenso wie die jüdische Minderheitendiplomatie insgesamt oder ihre einzelnen Vertreter, z.B. Leo Motzkin, Emil Margulies oder Nathan Feinberg. Klappentext zu: Die Bernheim-Petition 1933, von Philipp Graf.