Born in Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Father: John Ferrie (Iron Moulder/Journeyman)
Mother: Mary Harley
1858 John Ferrie
1860 Richard Ferrie
1861 [Self]
1881 Married James Carroll
1881 Elizabeth Ferrie
1882 Isabell Ferrie
1885 James Ferrie
1888 John Ferrie
Name James Carrolls wife Teresa Agnes Ferrie
address 27 West Bothwell St Glasgow
Date of application 21st July 1888
Place of birth USA
Age 27, married, laundress, religion Roman Catholic. Married on the 30th December 1881 in St Patricks Chapel by Father McArthur
Parentage John Ferrie a moulder dead and Mary Ann Harley lives with applicant
Husband age 26 yrs born 13th June 1861 at Finneston St son of Patrick Carroll dead and Elizabeth Biggins who is at 7 Anderston St Kinning Park Glasgow
Elizabeth age 7 born Catherine St
Isabella age 5 born Richard St
James age 3 born Lancefield St
John born 12th July 1888 at present house
Husband left her 9 weeks ago then stowed away on a steamer going to Montreal. She received a letter from him 5 weeks ago but no money since he went away.
Applies for outdoor relief
13th December 1888 medical relief granted for child Isabella
17th December 1888 child Isabella entered poorhouse
17th December 1888 Dr Carruthers recommends that the child Isabella who is suffering from absess of the groin should be removed to Barnhill Hospital
4th February 1889 Taken out by mother
Source: Poor Law Applications at the Mitchell Library Glasgow (D-Hew 15/4/6 2099)