Biographical Notes and Snippets…
Nanny Auerbach was an author and journalist and was active in the zionist movement.
In 1911 she organised the first women's Zionist Meeting in Basle, and later was appointed
an honarary life-time member of the WIZO, the Women's International Zionist Organisation.
She was one of the few female contributors to the
"Jüdische Zeitung" (published by her brother-in-law, Isidor Margulies).
Beiträge von Frauen waren selten: zu den Ausnahmen zählt der Artikel von Nanny
Auerbach-Margulies über Frauenarbeit in Palestina vom 29.02.1919
Wien und die jüdische Erfahrung 1900-1938, Frank Stern, Barbara Eichinger, 2009, ...
Nanny Margulies was privileged to have been born into a Zionist family. Her father,
Rabbi Auerbach, and her brothers were intensely concerned with the concept of a Jewish
homeland even before there was a Zionist movement. ...
WIZO Review, Nr. 143 / 1967
Some of her family…
- Rabbi Baruch Menachim Auerbach (1843-1919)
Died in Wronke, Posen
- Israel Auerbach
- Johanna Auerbach (1876-1948)
Married Heinrich Loewe.
- Elias Auerbach (1882-1971)